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Honey Brooke, A sandstone blend of snapped bedface (25%) and machine cut splitface (75%). This quartzitic Sandstone is quarried by Oakfield Stone Company in Mosinee, WI. The creamy tones offer a great alternative to the common dolomitic limestone. View our product data sheet for more information and physical properties. View our product data sheet for more information and physical properties.









Fond du Lac Stone Rockwood: 50% sawn Fond du Lac Dimensional bedface, 50% machine cut veneer Fond du Lac splitface.
Oakfield Stone Company's Oakfield Rockwood. 50% Oakfield Machine Cut Veneer Splitface, 50% Oakfield Dimensional Bedface
Oakfield Cambridge Blend is a natural building stone veneer consisting of Oakfield Snapped Bedface stone, and Oakfield Machine Cut Veneer Splitface
Oakfield Stone Cottage Manor, A natural stone veneer blend of 3 types of natural building stone: machine cut splitface, snapped bedface, and colored seamface. This custom natural stone veneer blend adds texture to large heights and lengths, with smooth splitface which include gray, beige, tan, gold, and rustic colors. Sourced from our Oakfield stone and Fond du Lac stone quarries. Available in Full Veneer and Thin Stone Veneer
Fond du Lac Rockwood - Tumbled. Fond du Lac Stone Rockwood: 50% sawn Fond du Lac Dimensional bedface, 50% machine cut veneer Fond du Lac splitface.
Oakfield Stone Company's "Brookside Blend" is a combination of Charcoal machine cut veneer splitface, and charcoal snapped Bedface. Natural Building Stone Veneer for Extertior and Interior masonry Construction
Fond du Lac Stone and Charcoal Stone Rubble Blend - Natural irregular webwall, and machine cut veneer splitface.
Prairie Raockwood Blend by Oakfield Stone Company includes sawn Dimensional Bedface, and machine cut veneer splitface
Honey Brooke, A sandstone blend of snapped bedface (25%) and machine cut splitface (75%). This quartzitic Sandstone is quarried by Oakfield Stone Company in Mosinee, WI. The creamy tones offer a great alternative to the common dolomitic limestone. View our product data sheet for more information and physical properties. View our product data sheet for more information and physical properties.
Rustic Rubble, A blend of machine cut splitface, irregular snapped bedface (webwall), and irregular splitface. Available in full veneer, and natural thin veneer. Color profiles include: light gray, dark gray, silver, charcoal, dark brown, tan, gold, earthy tones
Fond du Lac Rubble, A blend of machine cut splitface, irregular snapped bedface (webwall), and irregular splitface. Available in full veneer, and natural thin veneer. Color profiles include: light gray, dark gray, white, silver, Brown, Buff.
Fond du Lac Rubble, A blend of machine cut splitface, irregular snapped bedface (webwall), and irregular splitface. Available in full veneer, and natural thin veneer. Color profiles include: light gray, dark gray, white, silver, Brown, Buff.
Chilton Cambridge, A blend of our Chilton Stone gate, machine cut veneer, and Chilton Castle Ridge snapped bedface.  ​
Chilton Stone, Chilton Stone Veneer, Chilton Weatheredge, Chilton Rustic, Chilton Thin Stone, Chilton Natural Stone, Chilton Machine Cut Veneer, Chilton Bedface, Chilton splitface, Natural stone veneer, Natural stone veneers, fond du lac stone, fdlstone, oakfield stone, oakfield stone company, Chilton Building Stone, Wisconsin, Quarry, chilton rustic stone, chilton stone veneer, exterior stone, chilton stone siding, chilton machine cut veneer, thin stone veneer, fond du lac stone, fdlstone, chilton castle stone, chilton bedface, chilton splitface
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Machine Cut /


Collection of machine cut veneer with physical properties that include natural heights and natural courses


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Collection of bedface veneer stone snapped in rectangular shapes at incremental heights for a rough course, castle appearance. 

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Dimensional /

Niagara Ledge

Collection of dimensional veneer, sawn to multiple heights. 



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Mosaic /


Collection of blends with irregular bedface in a mosaic pattern. 




Custom Blends

Collection of veneers that incorporate machine cut veneer splitface, bedface (sawn & snapped), and colored seamface

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